- Industrial chemicals
- Chronic Infections
- Mold Toxins
- Heavy Metals
- Environmental Chemicals like herbicides and pesticides
have been accumulating in our bodies over our lifetime.
Our body tries to protect us by sequestering these toxic substances to keep them away from vital organs. So, what do they do? These substances end up in our fat cells and as we continue to be exposed, our fat continues to grow.
These substances are not natural to our well-being, in other words, they do not help us rebuild nor do they keep us strong. These toxic substances affect our hormones which increase our blood sugar and through a cascade of effects – cause weight gain.
If you compare beach photos from the 1970s to now – you’ll see an increase in weight and girth depicted. Over this same time frame, there have been over 50,000 new chemicals added to our world. We’ve gone in the wrong direction. This epidemic of weight gain has led to increases in health conditions like diabetes, heart disease, autoimmune conditions, Alzheimer’s, arthritis and many more! It’s time to use the amazing power of laser light to turn this ship around and start sailing in a better direction.
Take back control and lose the fat while purging those troublesome toxic substances. You’ll lose inches!
You’ll also notice being less bloated and you’ll feel more energetic!
When you use the Emerald Fat Loss Laser – you’ll achieve results quickly.