Detoxification Protocols
Detox. It’s a popular topic on social media but is it something you really need? We’ve all been exposed to heavy metals, environmental toxins, radioactive elements, industrial chemicals, mold, parasites, and possibly infectious organisms, like Lyme disease. When the exposure overwhelms your ability to eliminate it, you can develop inflammation, over activate your immune system, and become ill. To learn more, reach out now and schedule a free 20-minute Discovery Call. It’s time to give some attention to your detox system.
Our Process
Start with a New Client Consult. We’ll spend between 60-90 minutes with you learning about your concerns, exposures, mechanisms of toxicity and make decisions on which testing may be most appropriate. Everyone we work with is one-of-a-kind and your solution will be as unique as you.
Next, you’ll have your introductory Coaching Session to focus on nutrition, stress reduction techniques and your body’s energy while we await your test results. We’ll help you stay focused on your goal and keep moving forward.
After test results are back, your targeted plan begins. A sequential process will be designed to address your unique results and keep you moving at a comfortable pace. Many people who do detoxification programs will get stuck, feel poorly, and stop making progress. We won’t let that happen! Detox done appropriately can be a life changing experience.
It’s time to focus and stop wasting more energy, time and money trying to sort through all the conflicting information to find answers. We can help. Let’s get started!
Our Clients Have Seen Results!
**90% are passing visible parasites while only 30% are testing positive for them. (We can’t believe it either!)
**Herbicides/Pesticides are the leading environmental toxins found in urine testing.
**Mold toxins are real and causing brain dysfunction. It’s estimated that 80% of buildings have mold.
**Chronic Lyme Disease is tough to treat but we have methods to help.
Our clients have been amazed at the results they are experiencing, and quite frankly we are too. We’ve redesigned the approach to sustained health. Reach out for your complimentary Discovery Call to learn how we can partner with you.