Emerald Fat Loss Laser
It’s time to lose the fat.
It’s time to use a cutting-edge method for fat loss, The Emerald Fat Loss Laser. We are battling uphill when it comes to fat loss. Industrial chemicals, infections, heavy metals and environmental chemicals like herbicides and pesticides are accumulating in our bodies over time. These affect our hormones, and our body tries to protect us by sequestering these toxic substances in our fat cells so they cannot cause damage elsewhere. If you look compare beach photos from the 1970s to now – you’ll see an increase in weight and girth depicted. We are going in the wrong direction. This epidemic of weight gain has led to increases in health conditions like diabetes, heart disease, autoimmune conditions and many more! It’s time to use cutting-edge technology to turn this ship around.
There is no doubt that any fat loss program should recommend drinking water, eating healthy and making sure to exercise. When you add in the Emerald Fat Loss Laser – you’ve got assured success.
The Emerald Fat Loss Laser Process
It starts with your first appointment. Get measured using our 3-D Body Scanner for objective measurements. We’ll discuss the nuances of the measurements including your risk for diseases based on your findings including lean body mass and fat percentage. Decide on the length of your program, gather a few supplements to support the process and get your laser sessions scheduled. Along the way, get the support you need. Once completed, your final follow up is about 2 weeks later for your repeat 3-D body scan so you can not only feel but also see and share your results!
How does the Emerald Fat Loss Laser work?
Pretty amazing, isn’t it?
If you’d like more information on how we accomplish fat loss at Functional Medicine Plus, please call 419-574-9277 or email us through the “Contact Us” tab at the right side of this page.